Mary had put a hard days work in and she was hungry. Cleaning windows was tiring, but fulfilling, knowing her hard work would eventually pay dividends. The new system was just around the corner. Pioneering was paying off. She now had her own cart. Saturday nights Mary splurged. Little sins, not illegal, just little expensive treats. Mary was hungry. Mary went to the Greek restaurant on Main St. and sat quietly in the corner. She had been there about six months ago. That Saturday Mary had the fasolada, tiropita and a glass of red wine. Heavenly. This night Mary would really splurge. She had been savings her pennies and, besides, this night it was the special. She was still on her diet so Mary ordered the smaller portion. This night 'Mary had a little lamb',florina peppers, and her blissful glass of wine.
Esse quam videri
JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
The Edit
by compound complex inoriginal:.
mary had a little lamb.
whose fleece was white as snow,.
Esse quam videri
Watchtower in local newspaper
by lostinthought inforgive me if this has been posted already but this was in my local paper today..
if you have time to read, this is an interesting article talking about watchtowers property in ulster and orange county ny and how much the properties are worth.
it also goes on to show how the tax exempt stays is hurting the communities..
Esse quam videri
" Devine, the Watchtower spokesman, suggested it would be wrong to judge Watchtower by the property taxes it doesn't pay. The group makes huge contributions to the communities where its members live by helping the local economy, he said.
Jehovah’s Witnesses helped the hospitality industry by renting hundreds of hotel rooms to house volunteer construction workers building the world headquarters, Devine said. Those people purchase food and consume local goods.
The construction actactivitycreated 200 to 300 jobs, he said, and the group was hiring buses to transport workers, and buying stone, concrete and steel for the building.
Once the headquarters is complete by the end of 2016, thousands of tourists will come every year and patronize local businesses, he said.
“We have a very large impact on the well-being of the community,” Devine said. “That’s a very tangible way people are being assisted.”
Towns like Warwick and Shawangunk prefer to look at the positive contributions by Watchtower rather than dwell on lost tax revenue.
Warwick Supervisor Mike Sweeton praised Watchtower for helping build two ball fields in the town. He estimated the town saved about $100,000.
Shawangunk Supervisor John Valk said Jehovah’s Witnesses helped the town by building a football field at Galeville Park, a softball field, and two soccer fields. They also did about $100,000 worth of work on the rail trail.
Town Hall’s furniture was donated by Watchtower, and its workers helped demolish Shawangunk’s previous town hall in 2009, Valk said. They wash the new building’s windows and wax the community room floor."They ...... built a football field, a softball field and two soccer fields....did $100,000 worth of work on a trail...gave the Town Hall furniture...helped demo the previous Town Hall in 2009.... they wash the new Town Hall's windows......they wax the community room floor....??????????????????????????????
I'm sure all those congregations sending their bank accounts to WT will be happy to hear how the money is being used for the worldwide work.
You will never grow old in this current system of things... - Awake, May 22, 1969 p. 15
by cappytan incheck this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
Esse quam videri
Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the “last days” in 1914, Jesus foretold, “ This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.” – Matt 24:34.
From Rutherford's time the Watchtower heavily overused the word 'evidence'. A good way to manipulate a naive and susceptible mind to believe your statement. Imagine that, "...all the evidence...". Now let's add some more weight to this "idea".
" Of the generation that observed the beginning of the “last days” in 1914, Jesus foretold,.."
What right thinking person is going to argue with that statement? This is the very generation that Jesus was foretelling about. No need to think about it further.
Strange language. The word 'indicate' has the thought of 'kinda leaning in that direction', HOWEVER, 'evidence' proves it beyond any doubt. It seems that the Watchtower writers were kind of leaving themselves an out. " We only said it 'indicates ... the system was due to end.. We did not say it PROVES IT."
You will never grow old in this current system of things... - Awake, May 22, 1969 p. 15
by cappytan incheck this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
Esse quam videri
In the early 70's a sister told me that her son was so upset that he would never marry and have children. I guess he looked forward to a single eunuch's life in Paradise. Last I heard he had 6 kids and God only knows how many grandchildren. I guess he got over being upset. -
"The Tower of sand"
by Doug Mason inmy study on the pillars that create and support the existence of the governing body: "144,000", little flock, great crowd, and other sheep..
I Haven't Missed a Meeting in Years!
by Oubliette ini recently ran into a jw i knew from a few years know how it goes, a few pleasantries that always seem much more awkward than they really should (not for me, mind you--for him).and then the question, "so what congregation are you attending?
are you able to make the meetings?
"i'm thinking: do you always start conversations this way?so anyways, knowing full well the jw-mindset, i decided to have a bit of fun.furrowing my brow, i said, "that's an odd question!
Esse quam videri
"I understand, I understand," I said all the while shaking my head as if in disbelief. Pointing skyward I added, "You don't owe me an explanation!"
Is that your equivalent of Anthony 3's, " Explain that to God"?
I Haven't Missed a Meeting in Years!
by Oubliette ini recently ran into a jw i knew from a few years know how it goes, a few pleasantries that always seem much more awkward than they really should (not for me, mind you--for him).and then the question, "so what congregation are you attending?
are you able to make the meetings?
"i'm thinking: do you always start conversations this way?so anyways, knowing full well the jw-mindset, i decided to have a bit of fun.furrowing my brow, i said, "that's an odd question!
Esse quam videri
Why not use the Watchtower Society's manipulative methods.
" Of course you know that missing meetings makes Jehovah sad. You don't want to make Jehovah sad, do you"?
[Obviously they will say,]
[You reply]
"I don't want you to make Jehovah sad either. Make sure get to all the meetings, no matter what. See you later".
Opening the Eyes of JWs Wasting Their Lives Away in Prisons Because of...Nothing
by Tempest in a Teacup inis there any practical way to let these people see the light?
has anything been already done to get the valuable information they need to them?
if yes, what has been the outcome?.
Esse quam videri
Why have no members of the Governing Body ever been imprisoned because of their faithful stand for righteousness? -
Effect of reading here.
by New day insaomebody mentioned in a recent thread here i think that the more they read here the more they feel angry at the wt.
personally, as an ex-elder (only resigned a few months ago) i feel that it is more like suddenly being on the outside looking in at a whole group of people playing parts.
the zealous pioneers answering all the time.
Esse quam videri
You get dressed up then look into the mirror before you leave home. It is when you look into the mirror that you go into character. It is the dress, the image you tried to project that had such a strong effect. Body language and speech is strongly affected by the dress, the look. I suspect most, if not all of ex JW's, faders to rabid apostates changed the way they dress up. Many may have never put on a meeting suit or dress again. -
New JW Bible at the used book store already
by jws incouple of months ago, just after christmas, i was browsing the religion section at one of the local used bookstores.
i kind of keep my eye out for some of those embarrassing jw gems.
i've found a mint condition green bible there before.
Esse quam videri
Some JW is counting a large number of Bibles placed, by leaving them at the back doors of used book stores.